Restorative Justice North Canterbury
Restoring people and communities
Restorative justice gives victims an opportunity to talk with offenders and say how they have been affected by the offenders’ actions. Offenders must take responsibility for the harm caused.
“I feel this service was very conducive to my recovery from the offending. I felt valued and heard, both from the support team and the offender. I think the outcome of the meeting was the pinnacle of what this service is trying to achieve. Thank you for providing this opportunity.”
Restorative justice views crime as more than breaking the law – it also causes harm to people, relationships and the community. If people are willing, one of the ways to address those harms is to talk about them, in a facilitated conversation between victim and offender.
Trained facilitators support participants in a meeting. If you are the person harmed, you can talk about how you have been affected and how the harm can be repaired. If you are an offender, you accept responsibility for what you have done, and try to “restore” or put things right for the harmed person.
Participation is voluntary. It’s ok to decline a restorative justice meeting.
To find out more about what happens in restorative justice and if it will work for you, click below.