What We Do
Community Wellbeing North Canterbury Trust provides free social and community services that strengthen the wellbeing of whānau, rangatahi and tamariki. Our commitment is to supporting North Canterbury families and communities to thrive.
Nāu te rourou nāku te rourou ka ora ai te iwi
With your contributions and mine our people will thrive.
Kai is Life
Kai is Life gives nourishing food to children at Karanga Mai Early Learning Centre.
Growing brains need healthy, wholesome kai.
Support Kai is Life today and feed a child’s future.
Your support ensures hunger never gets in the way of a child’s learning and development.
Your kindness could change a child’s life.
Our Services

Support for

Support for

Support for
Young People

Kaiapoi Community Support

Kaiapoi Food


Early Childhood
Unsure who to contact?
If you’re not sure which service is right for you? Get in touch with us.
Transition to High School
Heading off to high school for the first time is an exciting time for your child. But for many, it means leaving the familiarity of primary school. This can be a challenging transition. But being prepared can help reduce worries and smooth the path.
We’re your Trust, uniquely local to North Canterbury
Here’s how you can help!
We’re your Trust, uniquely local to North Canterbury. We rely on people like you who care about North Canterbury families and communities. With your help we can provide free services to strengthen the wellbeing of individuals and families in need.
2024 Annual Report
See a snapshot of the impact you’ve made possible over the last year and the work we have been doing throughout our community.
Volunteer Hours
Food Parcels Delivered
Thanks to our generous sponsors & partners

Join our mission. Donate. Volunteer.
Get involved today.
Phone: 03 310 6375
Email: info@wellbeingnc.org.nz